Questions? 713-952-2500


Unfortunately, serious and fatal injuries happen every day. They could be caused by truck wrecks, care accidents, accidents on the work place such as manufacturing plans, refineries, chemical plans and an array of other hazardous environments. Maritime injuries governed by Jones Act also account for many serious and fatal injuries.

It is vital to have capable and caring medical and legal assistance when a friend or loved one is injured. Healthcare advocates will ensure that you are well informed about your rights pertaining to healthcare and any legal remedies that are available to you.

It is important to have the right advocate represents your rights during such dire circumstances. Our team at Healthcare Advocacy will diligently seek all remedies available and ensure that services that are provided to you are of the standard that you deserve.

Have You Been Injured? We Are Here To Help!

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Wrongful Deaths

A wrongful death occurs when a person is killed due to the negligence or other liability of another person or entity. Surviving beneficiaries or dependents may seek compensation from the negligent and responsible party or parties.


Sexual violence

Workplace violence is violence or the threat of violence against workers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries


Personal Injuries

When a person is injured by another, through little or no fault of his own, a lawsuit can be brought for compensation.


Lung Cancer

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos that affects the lining of the lungs and chest wall.